Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We have had a wonderful and busy holiday weekend. It's been beautiful weather which is always a blessing. We got to celebrate Calvin Seminary's graduation with friends (and go to three different parties!) and had fun dreaming about next year and what that entails for us. Here is a glimpse into our activities...
Katie and her friend Rachel baked a bunch of goodies for a bake sale that they held on Saturday. They did quite well and had a lot of fun too!
Kam and Troy trying out the new rocket launcher from Grandpa E. Very fun!

Troy with some neighborhood friends taking a break from their game of catch.
Sunday we took a picnic lunch to Reed's Lake-one of our favorite spots.
Monday afternoon we had our first swim of the season at a local pool thanks to some friends. It was a great time. Troy remembered his swimming skills and was thrilled that he passed the height requirement to go down the big slides!

Now it's back to school for the girls-2 more weeks and preparations for Scott and I for our summer move to Pella!

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