Sunday, May 17, 2009

Look Who's 5!

Today is Troy's 5th birthday! People always say,"I can't believe my child is this old!" But I really can't believe Troy is 5 already! He is ready to move on to kindergarten, showing interest in reading, and overall becoming more independent. He still plays the youngest child card and asks for help with some things he should be doing himself. This morning when we asked him to get dressed for church, he came back quietly and asked me if I would help him. I said, "Five year olds should get themselves dressed." He replied, "Yeah, I know." We'll see how long that works! Anyway, we are thankful for the gift of Troy!

We have a tradition of celebrating with a breakfast at Wolfgang's on birthdays. We went on Saturday morning with Grandma E. and Hank.

This morning Troy awoke to find presents on the kitchen table. He was quite excited!

He was careful to "read" the cards first. He was excited to get a card from our Chicago friends, Dean and Ruth.Troy got the Mario Cart game he was hoping for.
Checking out his new Star Wars guys from Uncle Dan and Aunt Nesha.

Troy's new toys being taken over by certain family members!

This afternoon we are headed out to Holland to spend the rest of the day by the lake.


Gail said...

Happy Birthday, Troy! Looks like you had a fun day. Hope being 5 a blast for you this year!
Love, Anna (and Matt and Gail)
PS Does your dad always get so dressed up when he plays with your toys?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Troy. Wish you were out here so we could give you a big hug and a root beer. Glad you had a nice sunny day at the lake, and what a lot of nice gifts you got. Birthdays are alway fun.......... love you. Ms.Ruth and Mr. Dean.