Monday, May 4, 2009

Classic Quotes

Documenting these quotes is more for me to remember them, but you're welcome to read some of our gems too.

The other night at our BBQ Kamryn and Katie were soaking up lots of interesting tidbits from the conversations that were going on around them on the back deck between Seminary friends. At one point there was a discussion about the clothing choices of ministers when they preach. One of the guys said at his church he didn't even have to wear a tie with a dress shirt. Scott spoke up and mentioned that he usually wore a dress shirt and tie, but not the suit jacket. The professor who was over was surprised and said that he never preached without his suitcoat on. At this point Kamryn pipes up, "Yeah, but my dad sweats a lot when he preaches!" (Anyone who knows Scott realizes that this is totally true!) The whole group cracked up at her observation.

Our friend Gail helped out the other morning by taking Troy to preschool for us. She said that when they got to the school and parked Troy was hesitant about getting out of the car. When Gail asked why he wasn't hopping out he replied, "Oh, I've been going to preschool for like six years!" ... I think we've got a long road ahead of us!

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