Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Final Performance

Last Saturday evening we attended the final performance of Katie's musical, "Cinderella". It was a great show and Katie had lots of fun being a part of it. The Auditorium at Christian High was packed out for the last night. The weeks leading up to the musical were filled with lots of hard work and late nights at school, but it seemed to be worth it in the end. Katie will be trying out for the next show which is a "one act" play that they do for competition. She says it's hard to get in, but we'll see what happens. Great job, Katie!
Katie in costume before the performance.
This is the beautiful auditorium just beginning to fill up before the show.

This is afterwards as they were handing out flowers to those who helped. Katie is blocked in this picture, but you get an idea of all the costumes and stage.

Grandma E. and Hank attended the last performance. (We missed a picture with Boppa and Grandma R. the night before!)

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