Saturday, November 21, 2009

Candidacy Photo Shoot

Scott's going to kill me when he see this. But I thought these were good pictures to post. Scott is, as many of you know, in his final year of Seminary. This year is known as candidacy year. This means that Scott has many things beyond his regular classes to finish to be a candidate for ministry in the Christian Reformed Church. He has completed much of the list already in anticipation for his becoming an official candidate at Synod this June. We await, with much anticipation, God's leading and call to our first church. Anyway, since I got a fancy shmancy new camera we thought we would take care of another item on the checklist: candidate's picture. After much complaining and grumbling we did get some decent ones today. We took an outside shot and one inside... Look for one of these in an upcoming Banner page this summer! :)


Anonymous said...

Like both of the pictures. But the outside one gets no.1 in my opnion. Hey Scott, we would love it if our church would be one of those that will call you. I know the comm. is finally going to make a recommandation to the cong. soon. It sure seems like these years went fast. Prayers go with all of you in these days ahead when you will have to decide on a few things. RK

Anonymous said...

The outside one gets my vote! It's hard to believe that Scott is almost just seems like we were saying goodbye to your family! We are praying for you!

Sharon said...

I vote for the outdoors shot too :) Congrats on almost being finished with seminary. You are in our prayers and we hope to see you in a month or so...