Sunday, August 22, 2010

Now He's Ready

Our Troy boy is now officially ready to begin first grade. He has lost his first two teeth and now has "the first grade look." Troy has been waiting for years for a tooth to fall out and we were all excited for him when he discovered his first wiggly tooth. He wouldn't let anyone touch it for a long time, but Kamryn asked him the other day if she could pull it out and he obliged. He then got brave and pulled the second one out tonight while Scott and I were at church. Here are some photos to commemorate the occasion.

Here he is with a full set of baby teeth.

Here's the toothless wonder.

Here's the "get the camera out of my face" look!

P.S. We have had a WONDERFUL first week in Redlands. People have been so friendly and welcoming. I'm excited about my new job as librarian at RCS. Scott loves his work at the church. And the kids have made great friends already. It looks like we can get into our house later this week. God is good!


Jennifer K said...

Troy is so cute with his missing teeth! So glad to hear you're enjoying your first week back in CA! And I just have to say, I think you have one of my "dream" jobs... school librarian! How fun!

Unknown said...

Awesome! So happy for you guys! I hope the first day goes well!

Anonymous said...

great looking son there !!!!!!!!! Your baby is growing up to fast Kristen. Love the pictures, your making great memories for your family. Wish this was around when I first starting the family. RK