Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A New School Year

This week brought the start of a new school year. The kids all did well tackling the challenge of new schools. Thankfully they are all pretty flexible and make friends easily. Katie has a nice group of girls in her grade and is adjusting to new classes and being at a smaller school. Kamryn and Troy love their new teachers and have already made some friends. It's a lot of fun watching Troy begin first grade as I have taught that age for so long. I went to the opening chapel at RCS this morning and it was a blast. We have an awesome new music teacher who led the worship time. Besides the fact that the temperature was over 105, it couldn't have gone much better! I'm working in the library this week on my own and then will look forward to seeing kids next week.

Katie ready to start her junior year.

Kam and Troy.

Troy and his first grade teachers.

A scene from the morning line up and pledges.

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