Sunday, August 29, 2010

Moving-In Day!

Saturday was a big day for us. With many helpers, we moved all of our stuff into our new house! We spent a day and a half doing some major cleaning and then yesterday a bunch of guys from church loaded our stuff from storage onto trailers and trucks and brought it over to our house. We had 40-50 people helping at different times. We had several people cleaning throughout the house and many people were out in the back and side yards tackling weeds and other debris. By dinnertime all of our stuff was inside, the yard was clear and all the junk was hauled away! Amazing!! We weren't quite ready to sleep there yet, but are hoping to be ready for that in the next couple of days.

We had a wonderful Sunday today. The blended Spanish/ English worship was great and Scott got to preach for the first time as Lead Pastor of The River CRC! (It went well and he even had one of his Seminary professors there!) We continue to feel very blessed!

Scott attacking a huge bush in the front yard.

The backyard (desert) complete with old patio furniture.

Kam rounding up a hose.

Katie mopping her room.

Ladies from the church cleaning the kitchen.

Guys tackling the back yard. By the end of the day, this was all cleared!

A crowd taking a break to watch the guys trying to pull out a bush with a suburban. (It didn't work!)

Katie and her friends who helped put her bed together and organize her room.

Looking much better!

Our stuff in a new place.


Anonymous said...

Hi All. WOW you had a big job. The house looks big. I bet your glad the hard part is done. Wishing you well in this new home. RK.

chap said...

careful for those nydam's. jim and chris can be a little sketchy.

Unknown said...

Looks awesome! Glad that you are now in your own place and can be "home". I thought of you guys a lot today...making plans for our first small group meeting :(