Saturday, October 31, 2009


After a drizzly day the rain let up so the kids could enjoy trick or treating in the neighborhood tonight. We had some friends over for supper and then parents and kids went on a door to door quest for treats. My friend Dawn and I handed out candy here. Troy especially was so excited today he could hardly contain himself. I think he had some memories of previous years, but was still a little hazy on the whole process. As for costumes, Troy was a Power Ranger (Target clearance) and Kamryn was a mad scientist (her idea). Katie was here for a bit and then made her way over to a friend's house for the evening. After the kids were done they came home and sorted the loot. It was fun watching the process of looking it all over. They were teaching little Anna how to trade, which was quite funny. The adults enjoyed telling stories over hot cider by the kitchen table. Hopefully everyone else had a safe and enjoyable evening too!

These pictures were taken on my birthday-Christmas-Valentine's-Mother's Day-Flag Day, etc. gift~A NEW CAMERA!! I'm excited to learn how to use it. My friend Lynn and I are going to take a class next week which should help. Fun stuff!


Jennifer K said...

Looks like a fun day! And how fun to get a new camera... what did you get?

B and C said...

Kristen, What a fun gift. Where are you going to take a class for that? What kind of camera did you get? I hope you're enjoying fall! I always think it is sooo beautiful there with all the trees.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. I have piles of candy left over....... only had 8 kids for trick or treat at the door. The weather cleared up nicely in the afternoon, so I expected to see alot of little ones. Glad to hear you have a new camera, and the pictures look good already. Can't wait to see what you take after your classes.RK