Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Today was a nice, bright sunny day. It felt warmer as it was in the low 40's and we're used to the 20's lately. After school Kamryn and Troy and I went to check out Reed's Lake, a favorite spot of ours. We were surprised to find people out on the ice yet. They didn't venture out too far, but thought they would try it out. While we were waiting to pick up Katie from soccer practice, we also checked out a playground. It's so wonderful to be outside a bit!

Standing on Reed's Lake.

Sliding on the ice.

Troy remembered how to pump his legs in the swing.
Kam being a monkey.
Tonight we attended an award ceremony at Katie's highschool. She was invited to attend because she made high honor roll. At the ceremony they basically read each student's name and they just had to stand up. One of her favorite teachers, Mrs. Knoll, gave a neat speech. Good job, Katie!

Katie with Boppa and Grandma R.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katie We're proud to know you !!!!!!!! Great work. RuthK