Saturday, March 28, 2009


Yesterday was the farewell for the Japanese students. After school the kids and host families all went bowling and then there was a pizza party and presentation at the highschool. It was a nice time of being all together and learning a bit more about the Japanese culture...
This is Katie and her friend Shannon with their exchange student friends. We always laugh when they pose for pictures with the peace symbol.

We all headed over to the bowling alley for a few games.
Our friend Anna came along with us and enjoyed her first bowling experience with Katie's help.

Troy and Anna in the van.

Mr. Pegman addressing the group gathered at Christian High before dinner.

After dinner, the kids had a time of demonstrating calligraphy and oragami for their host families.
Miku and Katie at the oragami table.

Katie's proud of her work.

A little family update:
Kristin is enjoying subbing in 5th grade for a few weeks. It's a new grade level, but has been fun. Also, we found out this week that we are headed to Pella, Iowa for the summer. We were hoping to stay in Grand Rapids, but were not able to secure a summer internship in this area. We are eager to experience a new part of the U.S. and are excited about the work God has for us there. We have already been making connections with many who have friends and relatives in that area. That same day we found out about the internship, we connected with two Christian college students who are going to stay in our house while we are gone. God is good (and has a sense of humor!).

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