Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Congratulations, Katie!

We are proud to announce that Katie made the play at Christian High! She has been part of the tryouts for several days and was anxiously awaiting the posting today. (She is one of 8 Freshman out of a cast of 60.) They are going to be doing "The Music Man" in early November. She will be one of the singers/ dancers in the chorus.

Troy has been very ambitious lately in riding his bike and skateboarding on the driveway. These activities have resulted in various scrapes and bruises which are beginning to cover quite a bit of his body. This afternoon we added a bandage to his elbow after falling off his bike. You will notice the scab on his chin which was caused by a flying skateboard the other day. He is a very coordinated kid, but doesn't understand the dangers of going too fast. Good thing his preschool check up and school pictures are done!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Congratulations Katie!! Have fun :)