Wednesday, September 17, 2008

And He's Off!

Troy had a big day yesterday. He got to go to "Little Lambs" at church with mom in the morning and then had lunch with dad and many friends at the Seminary. He was then invited by a neighbor boy to go for supper to Chuck E. Cheese. The little boy had earned this reward for becoming completely potty trained. (Hilarious!) Troy was beyond excited as he had not yet been to Chuck E. Cheese. Anyway, while he was waiting he decided to try riding his bike without training wheels. (He had been practicing on a smaller bike with Grandma R.) Without us knowing, he enlisted the help of a neighbor lady to start him out. (Scott saw what was going on and quickly took over.) Before we knew it, Troy was zipping around. He continues to improve and is becoming quite steady on his bike. We still have to remind him to use the brakes more often though.


Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful family, and of course I love the verse you chose for your blog. Proverbs 3: 5-6.

I chuckled at this photo as I recently went through the 2-wheel training with my youngest. I also blogged and posted a video of the event.

God Bless you and your family,

Jim and Kathy Vander Meulen said...

cool pics! Glad to hear you are back in GR. I officially have taken the year off from teaching so we'll have to get together sometime when I'm in town.I may even take your advice and start a blog. Have a great weekend!