Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer Continued

Our time in Palos Heights is coming to a close (two more weeks), but we continue to enjoy activities around us. Here are some shots of the kids mostly in the backyard and the neighbors' backyards. The yards are all connected because there are no fences. (Different from California!) One of the highlights of the summer has been our wonderful neighbors!
Kamryn finished up her sports camp at the local college. (She was the only girl and loved it!)
Our dear neighbor, Mrs. Ruth, has taught Kamryn to knit! They enjoy sitting outside on her patio knitting together. (Kamryn doesn't mind the Oreos, White Sox peanuts and IBC rootbeer either!!) They both tell stories and chat as they go. What a wonderful memory for Kamryn!
Kamryn knits her scarf late into the night!
These pictures are on our other neighbor's cement basketball court that they have in the backyard. All the neighborhood kids are welcome to use it and the equipment anytime! What a gift!
Troy tries for the big shot.

Kam whizzes by on the Rip Stick.

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