Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day Trip Frustration

Scott had some time off on Friday so we thought we would take a leisurely drive up the lakeshore. We ended up hitting horrible construction traffic and spent much of our day on the road. We did stop in Evanston which is a beautiful university town with really neat buildings and homes. We found a pretty beach to spend a quick half hour on before we had to head back into the traffic nightmare to get home.

These pictures are some shots of how our time has been spent this summer on a typical day. Our internet access is only available in the sun room, so usually you can find one of us sitting there. We only have Scott's laptop, so we all mob him when he gets home from church in the afternoon for a chance to use it. We have a 1000 piece puzzle going which gets worked on occasionally and I also found the kids playing a game together on a rainy evening the other day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Scott and Kristin, Katie, Kamryn , and Troy. I love getting to read your blog too. I do not get a chance too often as our satalite does not always work and when we are in a town that has a library with internet we have limited time.
I am really glad you will get a chance to see the Sea to Sea tour. I think you will find it very interesting. Matt and Sherie, Hanks son were fasinated with how everything is so organized.
We are getting into a routine that keeps us organized and helps us get out in time.
So good to hear things are goin well in Chicago and the kids are getting to experience some neat things too and you have great neighbours.
God's blessing to you. We love you guys too and miss seeing all of you.
Love Mom and Hank