Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hats, Horses and Haircuts!

The activities of the past few days all happen to begin with the letter "H".

H is for HATS.
The feud continues between these new Chicago baseball fans. Troy just got a new Cubs hat this week. He loves to wear it and bug Kam. We'll see if their loyalty continues after we head back to Michigan!
H is for HORSE
These are our neighbors, Dean and Ruth, who have been so great to live next door to this summer. Dean took Scott and the kids to ride his horse, Willy, again last night.
Katie takes a turn around the arena. Ashlyn will be proud!

H is for HAIRCUT
Kamryn decided she was ready for some shorter hair. I took a whack at it and it actually came out pretty well! Here she is before...
And after...
Lookin' good!


Sharon said...

Very Cute haircut Kamryn!! You look like a 3rd grader. :)

Gail said...

Glad to see you guys are having a great summer! It looks like we won't be able to visit you in Chicago--too bad! It's hard to believe you'll be back soon. Give us a call and maybe we can meet for ice cream if you have time before you go to CA. Love the haircut, Kam! Take care,
Matt, Gail, and Anna