Saturday, September 15, 2012

Go, Kamryn!

As Troy semi-patiently waits for his arm to heal and the cast to come off, we have only had one soccer player to watch on Saturdays. Kamryn's off to a strong start on her AYSO soccer team this year. She scored the two goals for her team last week and had another one today. (They are undefeated so far!) I love Kamryn's attitude on the field and it's fun to see how the coaches appreciate her as a player too. Her team is a nice group of girls which makes the season much more fun! Kamryn is also playing volleyball for her jr. high team and got to start the first game this week. She hasn't played before, but has picked it up quickly. It's so much fun to see the gifts God has given each of the kids and to watch how they use those gifts.

In other news, this lovely green minivan no longer graces the curb in front of our house! We know Katie was sad to see it go (or the freedom it provided!). We, however, were glad to make a little profit from it which will be used to support her in her educational endeavors. :)

1 comment:

John R said...

Thanks for posting these, Kristin!

Troy, your turn will come. Kam, Howard Faber, who wrote the book about Ali in Afghanistan, thanks you for reading his book and recalls watching your team play here in GR about four falls ago, in rain. He thought the goal you kicked through the defender's legs was the best.
The Green Machine was such a welcome sight in the driveway at 2550 Grovebluff SE. On how many cross country trips did it take you?