Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Little Accident

While in the Midwest we were able to see some more of our family. One evening gathering turned out to be quite eventful, however. After dinner Troy was messing around on a skateboard with some cousins and took a bad fall. Long story short, he broke both bones in his right arm just above the wrist. It took a long ride through the country, two different hospitals, and a surgery to fix him up. It was a pretty major setback for our 8 year old, active boy, but he's been quite a trooper. He has adjusted well and has become quite ambidextrous in the process. He is keeping up on his third grade work with his left hand and has been seen running around on the soccer field at school. After an x-ray check at the doctor today, it looks like the bones are healing quite well. He was reprimanded for being too active and we had some tears. He is counting the days til he can be a full part of his soccer team again. I guess this is one of those many lessons in life, right?!

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