Sunday, February 5, 2012

Things They Don't Prepare You For in Seminary

To say our week was busy last week would be an understatement. There was a lot going on, especially at Redlands Christian. Scott and I were both involved in Spiritual Emphasis Week with the middle school kids and then it was also the Fine Arts Festival at school on Thursday. Kamryn performed a couple different pieces on her clarinet and I accompanied several groups. On Friday afternoon we had service day for school and after that I was about done! But there was more...Friday evening we headed out to Ontario to watch the ACA girls soccer team take on their rivals, Ontario Christian. This game would determine who was first in league. Unfortunately, we ended up losing, 1-0. The girls played hard, but couldn't get their offense together. (Katie had a great game on defense.) Saturday morning brought an interesting event. Redlands is big into Abraham Lincoln and is home to a large Lincoln Museum. (We have yet to visit it.) In honor of Lincoln's b-day this month, they held an assembly Saturday morning. Scott was asked to pray and be a part of it. Yes, it was an honor, but yes it was also quite amusing to see him up there on stage with Abe, Mary Todd and the mayor. We tried not to giggle (too loudly) every time Scott had to help Mary Todd Lincoln with her chair so she wouldn't tip over when she sat down in her big dress. The audience was mostly made up of Boys' and Girls' Scout troops from the area.
On a more serious note...Scott left the bowl to make a visit to see our friends, The Perrenouds, in Loma Linda. As many of you know, we are praying for Angel who had a tough day yesterday. It's still not clear what the outcome of this major setback in his life will be. We are praying for healing for Angel and strength for his family.


Sarah Schenkel said...

Teehee! The kids look thrilled!

Jill said...

Honestly, can't stop laughing! The pictures showing Scott next to ginormous dress lady got me going at first, and then the last picture of the kids put me over the edge. Thanks for a great laugh!