Monday, February 27, 2012

Cirque du ACA

This weekend we took part in the fundraiser at Katie's school called, Cirque du ACA. It was a nice time of people coming together to have fun and support the school. Katie was chosen to take part in a fundraiser where a bunch of Seniors had to eat really gross stuff (goldfish, worms, cow tongue, etc.) Let's just say it was interesting to watch and yes, there was some barfing! Troy got to eat a bunch of candy, Kam ran around with her friends, and we had fun watching others spend lots of money at the auction. :) The afternoon ended with a basketball game-staff against students. This year the staff won. Fun times!
Getting ready to take the first cup.
some hesitation...
I think Katie's face says it all.
The crowd looking sympathetic.
A good turn out.

Mr. Heuker trying to sell Scott something?
Uncooperative boys at the b-ball game.
A little better.
The game begins.

1 comment:

B and C said...

Gross! I hope the money raised was worth it :)