Thursday, November 11, 2010


To say Troy loves playing soccer is an understatement. Recess time at school finds him out on the back field with the third grade boys. (He's in first.) Troy dutifully brings his soccer ball each day to ensure the game will go on. It's been kicked over the fence and returned by neighbors. It's been rolled through many a mud puddle. The list goes on. He's been asking for a replacement recently and I shrugged off his request until today. I actually took a look at this ball for the first time in awhile. I felt this ball had done its duty. I gave in to Troy's request and picked up a new one on my Target run.

Let the games continue!

1 comment:

john rozeboom said...

Good going Troy! Your Mom takes great photos (wow!) of you, Kam playing hard and well with lovely mountain backgrounds. You and Kam, though, are the ones who put on the show. We love the images, and all of you Elgermas too! Keep playing. Love, 'Boppa and Grandma R.