Friday, January 8, 2010

The End of a Week

We are back into the routine around here. The first week of school in the new year is complete! This morning began with a trip to the dentist for Troy. Over the past few days his right front tooth has been turning dark. The dentist confirmed what I thought that his tooth is, in fact, dying due to "trauma." When this trauma occurred we are unsure. It could have been on one of several different occasions~that wrestling match with the neighborhood boys, a sledding incident, running into a kid at recess, "interacting" with his sisters, etc. Who knows?! Anyway, the dentist advised that we just wait it out. The baby tooth will fall out eventually.

At dinner tonight the kids were sharing some happenings from school today. I had the privilege of doing recess duty. Let me remind those of you who do not live in cold country that things are very different here. The kids have to go outside in the snow and freezing temperatures. (Actually they seem to enjoy playing in all that white stuff.) Anyway, today while patrolling the kindergarten-first grade playground, kids (including my son) kept coming up and complaining that other kids were stealing their ice blocks. When I reminded Troy of this at dinner he got fired up again and brought up a girl's name who according to him is "the meanest girl in the school!" He relayed how they try to build forts with the blocks of ice and then others come and wreck them. We just had to laugh as I never had to deal with kids stealing my ice blocks growing up in California.

Kamryn's dinner contribution was a story about the practice geography bee that the fourth graders had to take. She said that she only knew three of the countries because they didn't have the ones that she had already learned on there. She was upset that they didn't have Cameroon on the test. When Katie asked if she knew where Cameroon was she quickly and in true Kamryn fashion replied, "Yes, it's in Africa-right next to Togo!" Of course the fact that she knew this and rattled it right off cracked us all up.


Julie B said...

Lily has a "dead" tooth as fact the very same one as Troy! All four of her front teeth are loose, so we are hoping the dead one falls out before we get slapped with a big dentist bill!

Lynn said...

Love the stories and hoping and praying that my 1st grader isn't the meanest girl in school. You would tell me, right? I'm serious! :)