Monday, January 18, 2010

Ditching the Deer

I don't have any new pictures to add this week. I think I am unmotivated to visually document ourselves when we look as white as ghosts! Each year in January we begin to take on a paleness that isn't too appealing. But who can complain about the lack of sunshine and miserableness of winter when there are so many people suffering in Haiti? It is a good reminder for us...Other notes of interest this week...We had near misses with deer, TWICE! Scott actually did hit a deer on the way home from Kamryn's basketball practice Thursday night. Thankfully he saw it in time and it just brushed the side of his car without causing any damage. On the way home from church Sunday morning we had to stop (on a busy road) to let about 10 of them cross the road! Gotta love the wildlife around here!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I heard that deer left a note on your car. That was probably him chasing you down after church. :)