Friday, December 4, 2009

Winter Wonderland!

What a difference a night makes. This morning we looked outside to find snow! Some snow was in the forecast, but much more fell than was predicted. Scott and Katie headed out to school, but found it to be deserted. They called home and we checked the tv to find most all schools were canceled. (Except for Calvin that is!) So we hauled out snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, and everything else necessary for snow and the kids headed outside (before 8 AM!) to play with friends in the neighborhood. It's been a nice year in that the snow didn't come too early. Now I think winter is here to stay for awhile. I'm already tired of all the clothing changes that come with wet clothing!
Katie tackling the driveway.

Kamryn and Troy taking a break inside. (Love the rosy cheeks.)
All suited up.

Our driveway and deck. (Yes, I should have taken the cushions in!)

1 comment:

Jennifer K said...

Ohhh, I LOVE it! Wish we could come for about a week (and then head back to sunny Visalia!)