Saturday, December 12, 2009

Special Visitors

I've had a great birthday week. Two of my best friends from California flew out (through a blizzard no less!) to come wish me a happy birthday and experience life in Michigan for a few days. We've had great fun with Lori and Lisa and will be sad to see them leave Sunday. We have been hit by quite a big storm this week and so there has been lots of snow. They are adapting well to putting on all the heavy clothing, boots, etc. We did have some nice sunshine today and they were commenting on how much warmer it seemed. (I don't think it got out out of the low thirties all day!) We have enjoyed eating out, showing them around the city, attending the kids' basketball games, having dinner with some Michigan friends and going to Katie's band concert tonight. I continue to thank God for his blessing of wonderful friends and am thankful that even though many miles separate some of us, our friendship continues!

Dinner at Ada Grill with Michigan and California friends.

Birthday cake

Another dinner shot.

Troy had his last basketball game today.

Lori and Lisa cheered him on.

Kam goes up for a shot.
The three amigas outside the school.

Freezing for a photo op.
Lisa and Lori challenged the kids to a snowball fight.
I'm not sure who won. No one was badly injured, thankfully!
After pulling off wet coats and boots Lisa called in to the house, "Kristin, what do we do now?!"

We have missed three days of school due to all the snow. Hopefully we will be back on track next week!


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. We only had about an inch of the snow down here in IL. What a nice birthday surprise Kristin. Your Ca. friends seem like a bunch of great people. Thanks for the Christmas card and Scotts letter. Really enjoyed that. Have a blessed Christmas and wishing you all a healthy 2010 RuthK

Lynn said...

I'm laughing b/c that waiter was seriously the worst "picture taker" (I can't even call him a photographer) EVER! It was great meeting and spending time with Lisa and Lori!