Sunday, September 20, 2009

Church Picnic

We've had a great week of adjusting to the school routine again. (Our family tends to enjoy routine!-OK atleast the parents do!) Scott had a busy week with Seminary responsibilities. He is enjoying his role as student body president, but it does make life busier. On Friday he had to speak in chapel at the Seminary. I heard it went well! Katie was pleased to find out she made the musical at school again this year. They will be performing, "Cinderella" in late November. She is very excited and honored as it was quite competitive to make it. Kamryn is being blessed by a wonderful fourth grade teacher. She is again loving school and showing us her sensitivity toward others. She has a fun personality and loves life! Troy is also loving kindergarten. He has lots of friends (girls and boys). I have to laugh when a parent will come up to us and say, "Oh, you're Troy's mom. I've been hearing a lot about him!" Kind of makes you wonder, but I think it's a good thing! :) It's fun to see the school experience through his eyes-all new again. The weather's been great and we're off to a good start!
Here are some pictures from our church picnic held yesterday. It was on the church lawn, which is a beautiful green space. It was a nice time of being outside, eating good food, and chatting with friends.

Scott enjoyed some "friendly" competition in "ladder ball" and a new game involving frisbees and water bottles on poles. (You'll have to ask him!)

Scott and Jerry teaming up.

Along the bottom of the church property there is a creek. This is a source of much entertainment for the younger crowd. Right now it is not too deep, but there were, of course, several wet children by the end of the night.

The bounce house was a big hit.

Later in the evening, we noticed Kam was now playing "bags" with a group of older gentlemen. She played several rounds and I think these guys got quite a kick out of her!

Kamryn and one of her friends.

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