Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Soccer Wrap-Up

Kamryn's 2009 Spring AYSO season is over. Scott enjoyed coaching her team (most days!). The season was a little frustrating because their team was made up of only third graders and other teams they played were a third/fourth mix. Oh well! Kamryn continued to improve and it was fun watching her again this year.

Scott and the girls with their trophies.

In action.

Scott giving a half time pep talk.After the game Scott handed out the trophies and said a bit about each girl. (These were mostly goofy things which caused a lot of giggling from the girls.)

For their last practice the parents played the team. Kamryn had just scored a goal and was walking away (in the red shorts). In these soccer pictures it is really striking me how green Michigan is!
The report from Pella is, "I think it will be a different experience than last summer!" Scott is getting acclamated and we continue finishing things up in GR. Your prayers are appreciated as we make another transition!

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