Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer Odds and Ends

So, the end of week two...Not much to report. The weather has warmed up this week and we are enjoying outdoor activities as much as possible. Thursday night downtown Scott had to sit at the First CRC booth and run a craft. :) We stopped by later, but it was such a hot, muggy evening that we didn't stay too long. The theme was "service" opportunities around Pella, so there were all different booths you could check out. Our kids just went around collecting all the free stuff!
We had more California visitors-Mark and Connor Branderhorst. (Mark is from Pella and is here for his mom's 80th b-day.) Mark was Katie's 6th grade teacher and I taught at CVC with him and Connie for several years. Katie's wondering how many of her teachers she will see in Pella this summer!
This afternoon we decided to head to the town pool (which is actually more like a water park). As we were heading out we noticed that the sky was getting pretty dark. We decided to chance it. We got about 20 minutes of swimming in before the lifeguards called everyone out because of lightning. As we streamed out of the facility with 500 of our Pella friends, the rain started to fall.
We got home, changed clothes and decided to make a quick trip to the library for movies and books for the next couple of days. While we were in the library the storm picked up speed. The rain was blowing sideways and people were standing at the door hesitating to go out. Well, Scott being the good husband/father he is decided to brave the hurricane-like conditions and went out to pull up the van for us. He took a few extra minutes because he accidentally hopped in another green van that he thought was ours. (Most cars in Pella are unlocked.) He thought it was funny that the seat was scooted way up, but proceeded to try the key and then began to look around and realize this was not our van! He quickly got out and found our van. After we all piled in the van, he relayed the story and we laughed about how some poor mom is going to wonder why her seat is all wet!

Elgersma children in Iowa.

Thursday night at the square in downtown Pella. Scott running his craft.

Fred the elder.

Scott greeting the children.
I took this picture at the pool today because it always cracks me up how in small towns the kids can just leave their bikes and no one steals them! It literally looks like kids pedaled up, hopped off and ran into the pool. How fun!


B and C said...

Had I known Scott could run a craft booth I would have sought help with my scrapbook! :)

Julie B said...

I tried to tell Charlie about your experiences in Iowa....he didn't get it! I guess only those who have lived in the midwest, in a small town will understand. We are hoping all goes well for you in Pella but wishing you were still here in Visalia with us!

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone. Thanks for the for us. We love hearing from you all. Sounds like Pella is a smaller type town than Palos Hts. is. We lock up everything. Loved the bike picture with all the bikes laying all over the place. Does remind us of when we could do that, when we were kids. Little different now. We sure enjoyed your visit . Thanks for stopping by. Do it again, we're between you and G.R. Love to all.Ruth K.

John Rozeboom said...

Great stories, great photos S,K,K,K and Troy!
I think the E's have packed in all the excitement a midwestern town can offer in summer, including a monsoon and trying to swipe a car - easy. (speaking as a small Minnesota town person who had a river to swim in in summer, and whose mother took somebody else's car home from church once cause in Edgerton back in the day folks left keys in cars too)
Hope worship leading went just fine, Scott. I was up at Oakdale this morning -- good time -- Andy Hanson preached this evening. We miss you all.
'Boppa R