Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

We had a nice group of about 20 people at our house for Easter dinner today. It was a mix of family, college and Seminary students and their friends and families. This morning Scott had to preach in South Haven (poor planning!), I ended up staying home with Troy who's been sick and Katie and Kamryn went to our church with some friends. We had a good meal together this afternoon and then of course we had to have an Easter egg hunt. Thankfully this year we did not have to deal with snow!! Here is a picture of most of the "hunters" after the big hunt.

Scott got his "full contact" hunt he was hoping for! (He's in the red shirt on the bottom under all the big boys.)

All the "kids" searching around the front yard for a little chocolate.

Gathered on our back deck before the hunt.

The "Easter bunny" at work. Hanging out in the sunshine.

Kamryn and Troy talked the big boys into some backyard baseball.

Troy has been struggling with the flu the past two days, but perked up today thankfully.

I hope everyone had a wonderful day celebrating our risen Savior! Have a great week!

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