Saturday, December 13, 2008

Our Week at a Glance

My birthday week has come and gone. We've been having quite a hard winter already this season and the weather was starting to get to us all. Thankfully on Wednesday (my birthday) we woke to a sunny day which lasted all day. Everyone I met who knew how much I need sunshine said it was sunny just for me. My dear friend, Deb, had a birthday lunch with some friends for me at her home. It was wonderful! We are so thankful for the friends God has placed in our lives. Friday evening we hosted a Christmas party for Scott's FFM (formation for ministry) group. We also invited some other Seminary friends. It was a great time of sharing food and just hanging out. We've again made some great life-long friendships during these Seminary years.
This is Scott's group along with their professor. (Brian and Jason are missing.)
This is what Seminarians do at parties-sit and talk about Seminary! (Gail and I retreated to the other room to chat!...Thanks for the picture by the way! :)) Wednesday morning with the kids.

A typical December day out our back door....I don't want to hear any more complaining about FOG!!

Tonight Scott and I were able to have a night out for dinner and a little shopping. What a treat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous!! I would give anything for to see a snowflake fly in the valley!! The view from you backdoor is gorgeous!
Shannon Bothof