Monday, December 29, 2008

Family Christmas Continued

We have now completed all of our family Christmas parties! We celebrated on Christmas Day with Scott's mom and Hank at their house. We had a wonderful meal and hung out with the Zeeland and Denver aunts and uncles and cousins. We ended the day with a rousing game of Apples to Apples which is becoming a family tradition.
Grandma and the gang.

Katie and cousin Kiley.

Troy and cousin Grant with their matching Calvin jerseys.
Playing Apples to Apples.
We then headed out to Canada to see Scott's dad and his wife, Judi. The kids were quite excited as they had not been to Canada in awhile. We got to stay in a hotel with a nice pool and waterslide. On Saturday evening Uncle George and Aunt Marg hosted 49 Elgersma relatives for another party. Can you say CRAZY?!
Dad passing out his chocolate letters to all the cousins.

Kamryn and Uncle Fred hit it off just great. Here he is singing to her.
Heidi leading the gift exchange.
Checking out Uncle George's cows.

Dad and Judi at the hotel.

After we crossed the border (finally) we took a much needed stop at my cousin Kathy's house. Jim and Kathy have a beautiful home right near the Canadian border and were wonderful hosts for our brief visit. Thanks again!

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