Friday, October 3, 2008


We have experienced a dramatic drop in temperature these last few days. We actually had to turn on the heat in the house because we were all freezing. Last week we were enjoying 80 degree temps and tonight there is a frost warning! Love that Michigan weather!! At least the sun was shining today... The kids have been asking Scott to take them golfing so this afternoon we went out to the local CRC golf course (only in GR!) to mess around a bit. The kids had a fun time, but further practice will have to wait until Spring, I'm afraid.
Tonight we decided we would attend the homecoming football game at Christian High. We had a great time with some people from our church, but had to stay quite close to keep warm. Scott also ran into James Haveman who used to teach at CVC and is now living in MI and happened to be attending the football game. It was a fun surprise!

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