Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Beautiful Saturday

Today was a beautiful day of sunshine! The temperature was only in the high 30's, but felt much warmer. Scott spent much of the day outside scraping ice off the driveway and soaking up the sun. We decided to take a drive out to Reed's Lake. The lake was frozen enough for people to be out on it. The kids enjoyed running around.
This is a frozen lake!

Standing out on Reed's Lake. Troy is blinded by the sun because he hasn't seen it in so long!
Kamryn with her "flat Katie" in her snow fort. This was sent to her by her friend Beth from Visalia.

1 comment:

tlg said...

Hi! Beth was so amazed to see "Flat Katie" in a snow fort with Kamryn. She just kept grinning and saying, "She got it!" And what fun to see Reed's Lake frozen over! Isn't that where we picnicked last summer? It's beautiful!
I'm so glad you're blogging!
