Monday, February 25, 2008

A Family Get-a-way

This past week Wednesday after Scott finished his exams, we headed out on a little trip to even colder country than Michigan. We planned to help Great Grandpa Rozeboom celebrate his 90th birthday in Luverne, Minnesota. We had a great time seeing many relatives and just getting away. (Sorry these pictures are a little out of order-I'm still figuring things out!)

Grandpa's siblings and their spouses at his 90th birthday party.
The kids were excited about staying the first night at a hotel with a waterpark in Owatonna, Minnesota.
Getting cozy in the hotel.
Before heading out to Aunt Judy's in Edgerton we stopped at the Cabela's outdoor store in Owatonna.
Troy got to take his preschool class pets along on our trip.

Grandpa really enjoyed his party, but got a little tired of all the pictures!

Aunt Judy, Grandpa and Dad with Grandpa's cake.

Troy William with Grandpa William Rozeboom.

1 comment:

tlg said...

I had been thinking about you guys this weekend and am so glad you had a safe trip and a good time. That hotel with the water park certainly looks like fun. Our kids would love that! I had forgotten that Troy and Nathan have the same middle name. Phil's grandpa was named William too! We need to talk soon!