Thursday, April 4, 2013


It's almost hard to believe that Easter has come and gone already.  Since I was teaching yet, the week before   Easter was a busy one.  The last week of school was a short one, though and we were able to have a nice time with family and friends celebrating the death and resurrection of our Savior.  Scott had a busy week preparing for church services, but was able to squeeze in some time on a field trip with Kamryn and helping out with the Friendship Games at school.  On Easter we had a great church service, nice meal at home with my parents, dessert with friends, and a competitive egg hunt in the backyard.  All great things!  We missed Katie this year, but know that she had a fun time in Ohio with college friends.  Here are some highlights of the egg hunt. (Somehow I missed the picture of everyone all dressed up this year.  Bummer!)

1 comment:

Sarah Schenkel said...

I love the action shot of Kamryn running. Gotta get those eggs!