Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Mexico

Last week our family was part of mission trip to Rehoboth, New Mexico. This is the second year in a row that our church has journeyed there to bless and be blessed. It was another great year with about 80 people going on the trip. One thing I really like about this trip is that it is made up of people of all ages. We had young families, widowers, high school kids, couples, singles, etc go from two CRC churches. This year we stayed at Rehoboth, but focused on a small CRC church in Window Rock, AZ. This meant that we would drive each morning about 40 minutes out to the church to run a VBS program and do some other projects. It was a wonderful week where much learning and blessing took place.
Who knew 17 and 18 year olds would get so excited about treat bags that I handed out in the van every two hours on the trip from Redlands to Rehoboth?! (First treat...Sponge Bob ring pops!)
More ring pop excitement.
Never had the opportunity to park on the highway and hang out for two hours until this trip. Due to a semi truck fire, this is what we did. Rachel, Mario, Kam and Troy outside Needles, CA.
Nick started a wiffle ball game on the side of the highway.
Katie, Kam and Troy throwing rocks into the median.
Our group checking out the window rock monument on Sunday afternoon. A woman from Window Rock church was our guide.
That's our group right in the "window."
Worship time in the outdoor classroom we helped build last year.
Prayer before VBS.
Troy earning yet another "puffkin" for learning the memory verse at VBS.
A highlight of the trip each year is hiking the Crevice.

Troy braved it for the first time and had some scary moments, but made it!

The "fab four" after the crevice hike.
Good times at Hawaiian shave ice.
Flashing some signs at shave ice.
Kamryn working at Window Rock Church.
My VBS group.
Katie and team leading worship at VBS.
Scott and our group were blessed by this closing song from members of the church.
Katie and her thrift store water shoes.
The group of us who worked at VBS for the week.
Indian tacos on the last day at Window Rock church.


John R said...

Hi, Kristin. I'll try again - lost the first two written comments. Thanks for all great photos and narrative about The River's serving crew at Window Rock. Loved the images of WR kids and River kids (and adults). Loved the I-10 games! Mom and I got stopped near Needles in '68 driving to Pasadena with our Olds Cutlass, a UHaul trailer and no a.c. Spent the day in a lake, drove at night.Good going on the red rocks, Troy! Next time Gandma R will accompany you. Love you all! Grandpa R

B and C said...

What a neat experience!