Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Great Evening!

I love it when God takes your plans and changes and expands on them without you realizing what's going on. Yesterday we had a day like that. The story begins with Kristin hearing about a family picture-taking opportunity at the beach. The price was reasonable and all the proceeds would go to our dear friends, The Perrenouds. Scott put on a happy face and dressed in his matching outfit and drove us all to the beach. The photographer wanted to meet at Laguna Beach. It ends up this is a hot spot for photographers and a special spot for this photographer. She is also the mother of a child waiting for a transplant, except her baby never got the liver she needed. Ani quickly shared her story with us with tears streaming down her face. She had taken us to the last spot where her family had their pictures taken before her little girl had to go into the hospital and wait for months for a transplant that never happened. We felt blessed and honored that she had shared her story with us... We continued with the picture taking and all of us survived with great attitudes, even. As we were finishing up, we look over the rocks and here come the Perrenouds for their turn. We were both happily surprised to see each other. (This family is in an isolation of sorts in their home as they wait for word of organs for their son Angel.) Ani had blessed them by volunteering to take their family photos in this beautiful spot... We made plans to meet up after the shoot at a restaurant for dinner. The kids all got to be kids in a corner booth of a noisy restaurant with Katie supervising and we got to catch up with Nick and Sarah in the next booth eating yummy, unhealthy food and even laughing together. What a night of blessings!... Now we'll see how the pictures turn out! :)

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