Friday, October 14, 2011

Science Camp

Kamryn and I just got back from sixth grade science camp. The really cool thing about this sixth grade camp is that it happens to be held on Catalina Island. Who gets to attend camp on an island in the Pacific Ocean?! Pretty cool! The first morning, we awoke way too early in the morning and met at school to drive down to Long Beach to catch our boat ride. The boat took us into a small camp on the island where we spent the next two and a half days. On the way over we just happened to see a couple of blue whales. VERY COOL! I had not seen whales that close up and you really got a feel for their amazing size. During our camp experience, Kam and I had a great time of learning, hanging out, meeting new people, enjoying the ocean, watching the dynamics of sixth graders, trying new things, eating great food, staying in rustic cabins with 12 year olds... and all on not much sleep.
Kam on the boat ride over to Catalina.
Morning devotions.
The boat dropping us off.

Lots of luggage!
Kam and I.

We got to snorkle for one class session. I caught Mrs. Poortenga in the cold water.
Some of the leaders in our wetsuits.
Searching for animals in the tide pools.
Learning in an outdoor classroom.
Kamryn had to get up to the highest rocks.
Taking in God's creation one morning before breakfast.
Some pretty cool girls.
I couldn't resist this picture of some of the dad chaperones during one of the classes.
One morning we went kayaking out on the ocean. What a blast!
During another class session, the kids dissected squid.
Our last morning was a little foggy.
The instructor gave a challenge to put this part of the squid on your face and then you didn't have to help clean up. Of course, Kam was one of the first to do it!


Sharon said...

Wow! That definitely looks like a great place to go for science camp. Nice that you could go along too! Not at all surprised by the picture of Kamryn with the squid...

Lynn said...

Ummmm, yeah, that beats 5th grade survival camp about a million times over!

John R said...

These photos are terrific! Thanks, K and K. Brings up good memories of Santa Catalina. InterVaristy Chr. Fellowship had a camp there also; I went out there with campus min. folks for retreats.