Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rehoboth Trip

Our family recently spent a week on a service project to Rehoboth, New Mexico. (This is a 100 year old mission with a Christian school, church and hospital with an outreach to Native Americans.) It's difficult to describe the trip except for it being a wonderful experience! The staff of our church did a superb job of organizing our group and keeping us busy with projects, fellowship and fun. We all worked either at job sights around the campus or VBS at the church during the mornings and afternoons. Then we had different learning times either about the Navajo or Zuni cultures, local history, trips into Gallup,etc. It was so neat to see the bonding between all ages with our own group and also new friends that we made in Rehoboth. A special thing about this trip was that it was inter-generational ranging from toddlers to a 90 year old grandpa, singles, families, teenagers who came by themselves, etc. (There were about 115 of us who went.) Many people said they enjoyed getting to know others from our church who they had not really known before (even after attending the same church for many years). God blessed us with learning, growth, fellowship, memories and safety. There is now a bond between many of us from The River and a special place called Rehoboth.

Our fam on the last morning.
Troy found a fun slide.
Us after our worship time up at the cemetery.

Worship time in a beautiful setting.
Scott preaching.

Troy with one of his VBS leaders.
Kamryn with her afternoon drama group.
Scott and Grandpa Wagner working (?).
Garret on dish duty.
One of our meals in the fellowship hall.
Eva worshiping at VBS.
Two of the cuties I got to work with.
Part of my VBS group.

Entrance to the soccer field where Troy spent his afternoons at soccer camp.
An evening shot in the cemetery.
Walking back after soccer camp.
Troy and Trevor taking a break from an intense soccer game.

The gym.
Had to include this shot of Troy taking a header.


Jennifer K said...

Looks like a great trip! We loved our trip to Rehoboth over spring break too! And our kids also loved that long slide!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a marvelous time, busy, but rewarding and interesting. Glad you got back safely. Hope to talk soon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking us along to Rehoboth, Kristin. Your images bring forward many good memories of a wonderful place. Love you all; miss you. Dad and Mom R.