Sunday, October 24, 2010

Homecoming Fun and Games

Katie (along with our other kids) has adjusted well to her new school. She has made lots of great friends already in our short time here in So. California. This week her school celebrated homecoming. There were the usual dress up days during the week and then a dance on Saturday evening. Katie and her friends had a blast dressing up in costumes each day. On Saturday evening a bunch of them had dinner at Macaroni Grill and then attended the dance in the school gym.

A group at the football game.
Pacman and friends
School colors
Katie and her friend, Katie Jo, who was the queen.
Halftime festivities
Pre-dinner pictures (with apple cider, of course!)
Dinner with friends.

1 comment:

Jennifer K said...

Wow! Katie is growing up so quickly! She's so beautiful in her dress! (Then again, she looks just as beautiful in anything!)So glad to hear everyone is settling in and adjusting so well!