Monday, September 13, 2010


We have been blessed with a beautiful home. Unfortunately it is requiring quite a bit of work. We knew this coming in and decided to take on a challenge. With the generous help of many people, our new house is slowly feeling like home. Here are some of the stages of the main downstairs living space. The process was pretty much 1. major cleaning 2. painting 3. decorating. It feels so good to get fresh pain up and then be able to hang pictures and put stuff away. There's a lot to do yet, but we're getting there!

Kitchen at closing of the house.

In the middle of my painting project. I used the same red paint we've had in our last two houses.

Looking better.

Our family room on moving day.

The front yard just after closing. There was major overgrowth and a lack of watering.

The front as it looks now. The grass is coming back. We pulled out a bunch of dead plants. Now we just have to paint the trim.

Some progress in the family room.

Paint and some decor in the family room.


Anonymous said...

It's really looking good. Love the red kitchen. You all look happy to be back in Calif. RK

Unknown said...

The house is starting to look cozy and looks like Kristin's trade marks are showing. Lookng forward to seeing it in October. Miss all of you. Blessings for the weeks ahead. Love Mom