Friday, June 18, 2010

Scott's Official!

Yesterday was a special day for our family. Scott and several other candidates from Calvin Theological Seminary were approved for ministry in the Christian Reformed Church. This is a big day because now they can accept a "call". It was a beautiful day at Trinity College and much fun to see many classmates and their families. There were also several people we knew who were at Synod as delegates from across the country and Canada. Afterward there was a party at our friend Steve's parents' home which was a lot of fun! We also stopped in Saugatuck for dinner as a family on the way back to Grand Rapids to celebrate. We praise the Lord for his protection in our journey this far!

The delegates lined up and ready to walk in to Synod together.

Standing in front of the delegates.
Scott on the big screen.
The candidates received a standing ovation from the Synod delegates.
A verse from a song we sang.
It was special that Pastor Vink could take part in this day.
The "old guys" from the Seminary class of 2010.
The "old guys" and their young wives!
Special friends, Geoff and Ashley.
Seminary buddies.
A happy Elgersma family.
Dinner in Saugatuck.
Scott and Kamryn
The kids down by the water.

This sign directed us to the party after Synod at the DeRuiter's. It said, "Libronix Seminar". (This is a Seminary joke.)


Jennifer K said...

Congratulations!!!! What an exciting day!

Anonymous said...

Congratulation SCOTT !!! We are wishing you and Kristen all the best. RK