Friday, May 7, 2010

Odds and Ends

Life has been moving FAST lately! There's lots going on. Here are some snapshots of some recent happenings...
We had Grandparents' Day at school today. Troy is impressing the grandparents with his artistic ability. (It doesn't take much!)
Grandma R. giving a pointer.
Grandma E. watching Kamryn play with electricity. (?)
This is what happens when four teenage girls get assigned an English project for school. Nice creativity! (These are their sock puppets.)

Scott is finishing up his actual classes and Seminary responsibilities this week and early next. He's pretty excited.
Needed some kid pictures, so Kam and I did a little photo shoot in the yard. Lookin' good, Kam!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kam. Nice pictures. I liked the grandparents day with all of you. We have that in the fall, and we just had the high school 2 weeks ago. Hope to see all of you next weekend when you come here. Let me know if you need a dinner or lunch or whatever. RK