Sunday, January 18, 2009

Weekend Update From the Chilly North

Friday evening some Seminary friends came over for dinner. The girls were excited about trying Guitar Hero that one of the couples brought. I decided I am not good at this game and never will be! Give me wii bowling any day!

Saturday morning Troy had his first ever real basketball game through the YMCA. He has been begging for me to "sign him up" for a long time. He hung in there pretty well. Most of the boys are 5 and he is only 4, so they are a bit taller. He loved it, though, and I'm sure we will be attending many more games of his over the years to come!

His jersey is about 5 sizes too big!

This week we have again set records for the weather here in Michigan. (Members of our small group like to tease us about all the records being set during our time here in Michigan!!) We had several days in a row that the temperature did not rise above 20 degrees! One morning driving Kamryn to school my van thermometer said -12 degrees!! I actually did not mind the cold because we had two bright, sunny days. It does make you thankful for a warm home, though. At school they still send the kids out for recess on most of these cold days. It makes me laugh when we used to complain about "cold" recess duties at CVC.

This is a bad picture of my van thermometer reading 6 degrees!
We were excited about the big Calvin win over Hope yesterday. We did not go to the game this time, but enjoyed watching some of it on TV. Also, Scott is looking forward to his quick trip to So. California next weekend to preach at two CRC churches with two other guys from the Seminary. Too bad wives weren't invited!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What churches down south will Scott be at? We thought about going down, but since the fact Alicia is due pretty much any day, that wipes out that idea. Stay warm.