Monday, August 11, 2008

Visit to the Bike Tour

This afternoon we hopped in the van and drove about 70 miles west to check in with the CRC Sea to Sea tour. Scott's mom and her husband Hank are riding on bicycles across the country with this tour. It was great to see them and hear the stories of their trip so far. We got a tour of their tent camp at a local highschool and then went out for dinner. They will be stopping in Palos Heights tomorrow, but we will miss them because we will be on our way to CALIFORNIA!
Troy got a ride on Pastor Len's bike.

This is our friend, Alyssa Raterink's parents. Just wanted to show Alyssa that they were doing well! It was fun to meet them.
Hank wandering through camp.

1 comment:

Julie B said...

Hi Elgersmas!
I will probably see you before you read this, but I actually have been reading your mom's blog, Scott! How funny! I took a special interest in the Sea to Sea tour as my friend Kim's Dad, Dave De Ridder, was riding in it from Seattle to Denver. Now I regularly check blogs of other riders to hear their stories. I'd love to say that someday I could do something like that, but more than likely, probably not. I am just happy to be able to run the 2 miles down our road. Can't wait to see you soon!

Julie and family