Friday, May 24, 2013

More Ball Games...

We continue to enjoy watching Kam and Troy play softball and baseball.  Both of their teams are doing well.  Troy's Oakland A's team is in first place and headed into their first play-off game next week.  Troy loves to pitch and play shortstop.  He has a great little team, although most of the boys are not taking the games as seriously as he thinks they should be lately. :)  Kam's team didn't have the best regular season, but have won both of their play-off games and are headed to the championship game!  Kam rallies her teammates and plays her heart out at shortstop.  She loves to steal bases and slide.  Her coach has been a little interesting this year, but she has hung in well.  Both of the kids have been chosen  for All-Star teams which will continue into the summer.  The fun continues!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Happy 9th Birthday, Troy!

This handsome boy turned 9 this month.  He had been counting down the days until his big day. Up until two weeks before he was planning to take his mom up on the offer to go to Disneyland to celebrate.  Upon further thought, though, Troy could not let his baseball team down and miss a big game for a day at an amusement park, birthday or not.  He decided to stay home with dad and play in his game.  This determination and drive characterize Troy's personality to a tee.  He does well in most every thing he tries, especially sports.  We don't see this as much in his piano practice, but when he buckles down, he gets that too. :)  We were happy to celebrate the gift God gave us in Troy! (The excitement in the middle picture is after he read in a card that he gets to pick out a new baseball bat.)

Let's Go Galaxy!

A while back we were guests at a fund-raising dinner and kind of "fell" into some tickets to a LA Galaxy soccer team.  Upon finally cashing in on our tickets we began to realize how super spectacular these tickets and this opportunity were.  We had second row seats and were given two extras because of a mix-up.  Anyway, long story short, four Elgersmas and two friends attended a great LA Galaxy game a couple weeks ago for next to nothing!  We have now been officially spoiled and will have trouble watching games from up high in the stands anymore.  Our team lost, but we got to see the hometown hero, Landon Donovan up close and even got Landon "bobble-heads" to take home.

Holland Fest 2013

Our community has an annual celebration that brings people of all ages together to support our Christian school.  This is a huge day with many people putting in many hours of work to make it happen smoothly.  We try to help out where we can.  This year Scott thought it would be neat to create something for the auction.  He and a friend built some beautiful Adirondack chairs to raise money for the school.  They ended up doing quite well.  The funny thing is (and this is typical of Scott's projects), the chairs ended up taking way more time and energy than was planned.  It was worth the effort, though, and they went to a good home.  The day, though very successful, had a tinge of sadness as Mr. Leenstra recently having passed away, was obviously missing from this celebration.  There were many memories and much laughter still shared.  We are thankful for this caring community and glad to be a part of it! 

Cutie Patooties

 We got to watch these cuties along with their baby sister the other night.  Troy didn't have any fun at all! :)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

End of An Era

Kamryn had a really fun basketball season this year.  Mr. DeJong taught the girls so much about the game.  It was neat to see their improvement over the season.  Of course, they are still 13 and 14 year old girls which brings its ups and downs.  :)  We had some exciting games to watch.  This is a special year as it's the last of the RCS Cougers.  Next year we will be the RCS Eagles and wearing red.  Looking forward to more excitement next year.